Calibration SC111/112 General Monitors:
- Ensure that the SC111 has stabilized for at least 1 hour, and there is no combustible gas present at the sensor. A true zero reading will be obtained when the reading stabilized at the lower value.
- Place the magnet over the General Monitors logo at the surface body. '--' will appear on the display first to indicate that the magnet has been positioned correctly. Then the display will begin to flash. After a total of 9 second 'AC' will be displayed, indicating that the unit is in the auto-calibration, then remove the magnet.
- Use a General Monitors Portable Purge or Calibration Chamber to apply gas at 50% LEL (+/-5%) to the sensor. When the SC111 detects this gas it will display 'CP' , this mean 'CP' = CALIBRATION IN PROGRESS
- Wait until 'CC' is displayed before removing gas. This will normally take less than 2 minutes, 'CC' = CALIBRATION COMPLETE
- When the gas disperses from the sensor the SC111 will leave CALIBRATION MODE and return to a normal monitoring condition. The display should read '0' when the gas has dispersed.
- If the above does not occur as describe and a different code is displayed..go to the TROUBLESHOOTING section
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!